Watch all the Ascended Masters Freedom Conference 2023 on-demand here after July 4th. The seminar includes interactive workshops, powerful messages from the ascended masters called dictations and special rituals for soul purification and wholeness. 

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 Watch all the Ascended Masters Freedom Conference 2023 on-demand here after July 4th. The seminar includes interactive workshops, powerful messages from the ascended masters called dictations and special rituals for soul purification and wholeness. 

Have you felt the inner call? The call to partake in an extraordinary journey of self-transformation, guided by the timeless teachings of Ascended Masters? We live in an era where miracles are possible, and this spiritual event promises an immersive journey that aims to light your path towards spiritual enlightenment.
Join us from June 29th to July 4th, 2023, for a global gathering committed to overcoming the trials of our time and igniting the sparks that will illuminate our path towards a golden age. This is not just an event; it's a call to action, an opportunity to transform hope into tangible change.

With Ascended Masters as our guides, we journey together towards a New Heaven and a New Earth. Discover invaluable keys to unlock your highest potential, learn how to navigate the turmoil, and create a powerful spiritual magnet with our global community.

In a world teetering on the brink, stand united with us in this spiritual mission. The time is now, and your journey awaits. Be a part of this extraordinary endeavor. Be the spark that lights up the Fourth of July!

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“The conferences are an opportunity for the soul to step up her spiritual evolution through direct contact with the Ascended Masters and her I AM Presence.”
To the student of the Ascended Masters searching for the ‘next level’ of self-mastery: 
The Ascended Master Essentials Program is an immersive seminar that will bring you powerful tools to address life’s challenges, deep insights about your own God reality, and an acceleration in higher consciousness.

The seminar includes interactive workshops, powerful messages from the ascended masters called dictations and special rituals for soul purification and wholeness.

These Essentials seminars happen at the turning of the seasons and bring an activity of Spiritual Light to help you through the next three-month cycle.
What Participants Say About their Experience
Be prepared for an intensive course when information and energy are filling up your mental and etheric bodies helping you reconcile, surrender and purify. Only here at the Inner Retreat at the feet of the Masters you can get such a momentum of power that enables you to upsurge the vibrations of your four lower bodies and raise the consciousness.
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 — Egor Matveev
United States

Well, what I really love from the Ascended Masters Essentials Events is the possibility to connect with so many souls that are trying to get a better relationship with their inner self and the most important, with God. People from different cultures and countries sharing with you their hearts creating this wonderful atmosphere.
We have also the opportunity to experience many presentations guided by experts that explain different teachings of the Ascended Masters. There's always something new to learn from our beloved Masters!
I don't live in America, so I really appreciate that I have the opportunity to re-watch the events, because they're recorded.
At the end of the New Year’s Conference, I loved that Carla asked us to turn on our was so beautiful to see the smiles and love on the faces of the other participants... At that precise moment, I felt that we became a great family.
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 — Mariana Gonzalez

The Ascended Masters Essentials events have become integral to my being. I always get misty-eyed at the good-byes on the final day because I have felt such love radiating from the Masters and the Teachings. I also feel a deep sense of community and spiritual affirmation from the presenters and all of their dedication. What I most look forward to are the dictations. Recently, I was listening to a dictation during one of the Essentials classes and I decided to listen while brushing my daughter’s hair. She is 13 and immediately commented on the calmness of Guru Ma’s (Elizabeth Clare Prophet) voice and said that she felt very peaceful after it was over!!! This brought so much joy to my spirit and I think it is a testament to the light that is emanating from our Messenger and the Masters. Each season when it is time for an Essentials event I am thrilled and eager to attend and without a doubt feel expanded and walk away with even greater knowledge of the Teachings.
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I have studied many spiritual traditions and attended many seminars and by far the most powerful and transformative are the Essentials of the Teachings by the Summit Lighthouse.
The experience is so powerful that I make it a priority to attend the virtual Essentials seminar each quarter.
Whether you're brand new to spirituality or an advanced spiritualist, attending in-person or virtually, the Essentials of the Teachings is something that must be experienced. It's truly unique and life changing.
Take the first step and experience this profound experience for yourself!
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Enlightening Dictations from the Ascended Masters
The profound spiritual experience of an ascended master dictation is unforgettable. The Messengers received intensive training from the ascended masters that allows them to deliver these timeless messages directly to their students. The ascended masters convey a transfusion of light and energy to your spiritual chakras or centers. Each person has a unique experience with each Master. Your heart will feel the presence of great spiritual light.
Insightful Presentations
Enjoy insightful workshops created with you in mind. Our presenters bring their deep understanding of the ascended master teachings to you each day. These events allow you to explore the rich relevance, transcendent teachings, and unique spiritual gifts that the ascended masters offer students today.
Meditations and Teachings with Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Achieve harmony in the middle of turmoil to invoking the Master Saint Germain’s Creation of the Cloud Meditation and the Violet Transmuting Flame for planetary healing - you will receive advanced tools for true spiritual change.
The Science
of the Spoken Word®
Learn more about ascended master’s spiritual dispensation for the Science of the Spoken Word. Like the lost Art of Invocation from the ancient golden ages, spiritual students can now connect to their Higher Self, the Brotherhood of ascended masters and release the power of the fohat through decrees and mantras. The physical word charges the physical world with light. Miraculous change is possible.
The Ritual
of Soul Retrieval
Led by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Magnetize soul fragments back to you and resolve personal problems through forgiveness and divine love. (on video).
Only Available Live
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The Essentials of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters On-Demand

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Six-day On-Demand Immersion
The Essentials of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters Live Program Replays

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Do you have any questions?
What will you learn in the Ascended Masters Essentials?
You'll learn powerful tools to address life’s challenges, deep insights about your own spiritual reality, and an acceleration in higher consciousness. These four special days are an opportunity to absorb the tremendous teachings given by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and learn a new way of communing with God and the Presence of light that is a part of each one of us.
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Don't think you'll have time to watch all the content in the Essentials live event?
We've got you covered. While you can join us on Zoom for the live event; A Live broadcast and replays will be available to you in your library as we move forward with the event program. These replay videos can be accessed anytime.
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Can I cancel and get a refund if I’m not satisfied?
We want you to be nothing less than overjoyed with your experience. If you think you can no longer attend the event or are not happy with our services, let us know, via contacting
 Royal Teton Ranch and The Inner Retreat
This property, known as the Inner Retreat, is located high in the beautiful Paradise Valley, Montana. It is bordered on the east by the Yellowstone River and on the south by Yellowstone National Park, renowned for its wildlife and natural beauty.
Presented by The Summit Lighthouse® 
The Summit Lighthouse has been publishing the Teachings of the Ascended Masters for over 60 years — these are the teachings of the mystics, masters, and sages of the East and West. We have an international community and we invite you to explore our home at the Royal Teton Ranch.
© 2023 All rights reserved. Made with 💜 by The Summit Ligthouse, Inc.
Keepers of the Flame Fraternity
